
This section contains Dr. Enstroms peer reviewed publications and letters relevant to the two epidemiologic issues that have been dealt with by the Scientific Integrity Institute, as well as key papers published by the American Cancer Society (ACS) and others on these two issues:
1) The relationship of fine particulate air pollution to mortality (Enstrom)
a) Enstrom JE. Fine particulate air pollution and total mortality among elderly Californians, 1973-2002. Inhalation Toxicology 2005;17: 803-816 ( or

b) June 1, 2006 Brunekreef doc
June 1, 2006 “A critique of ‘Fine particulate air pollution and total mortality among elderly Californians, 1973-2002’” by Bert Brunekreef, PhD, and Gerard Hoek, PhD. Inhalation Toxicology 2006;18:507-508

c) Enstrom JE. Response to A critique of Fine particulate air pollution and total mortality among elderly Californians, 1973-2002 by Bert Brunekreef, PhD, and Gerard Hoek, PhD. Inhalation Toxicology 2006;18:509-514 ( or
d) March 28, 2017 Dose-Response Enstrom PM2.5 and Total Mortality in CPS II Cohort Reanalysis Article
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2) Mormon Publications (Enstrom)
a) Enstrom JE. Cancer mortality among Mormons. Cancer 1975;36:825-841 ( (
b) Enstrom JE. Cancer and total mortality among active Mormons. Cancer 1978;42:l943­-l95l ( (
c) Enstrom JE. Cancer mortality among low risk populations. Ca A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 1979;29:352 36l ( (
d) Enstrom JE. Cancer mortality among Mormons in California during 1968 75, J Natl Cancer Inst 1980;65:l073 l082 ( (
e) Enstrom JE. Health and dietary practices and cancer mortality among California Mormons. In Banbury Report 4: Cancer Incidence in Defined Populations, Editors J Cairns, JL Lyon, and M Skolnick. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, l980, pp. 69 90 (
f) Enstrom JE, Kanim LE. Populations at low risk. In Cancer Prevention in Clinical Medicine, Editor GR Newell. Raven Press, New York, 1983, pp. 49 78 (
g) Enstrom JE. Health practices and cancer mortality among active California Mormons. J Natl Cancer Inst 1989;81:1807-1814 ( (
h) Enstrom JE. Health practices and mortality among active California Mormons, 1980-93. In Latter-Day Saint Social Life, Editor JT Duke. BYU Press, Provo, UT, 1998, pp. 461-471 (
i) Enstrom JE, Breslow L. Lifestyle and reduced mortality among active California Mormons, 1980-2004. Preventive Medicine 2008;46:133-136 ( (,page S62) ( and
Enstrom Letter to Kimball 092072 & Arrington Response 102672
Hinckley Letter to Enstrom Re Mormon Study 062900
President Gordon B. Hinckley and James E. Enstrom, Ph.D., circa 2000
3) Vitamin C and Nutrition-Related Publications (Enstrom)"
1975 Photograph of Pauling and Enstrom at Linus Pauling Institute in Menlo Park, CA
1982 PNAS Paper by Enstrom and Pauling on Mortality Among Health Conscious Californians
1991 Photograph of Linus Pauling with Message to Enstrom
1992 Epidemiology Paper by Enstrom on Vitamin C and Mortality Among NHEFS Cohort
2008 Encyclopedia of Public Health Chapter on Epidemiology of Vitamin C by Enstrom
4) Nonsmoker and Smoking Cessation Publications (Enstrom)
a) Enstrom JE. Rising lung cancer mortality among nonsmokers. J Natl Cancer Inst 1979;62:755-760 ( (
b) Enstrom JE, Godley FH. Cancer mortality among a representative sample of nonsmokers in the United States during 1966-68. J Natl Cancer Inst 1980;65:1175-1183 ( (
c) Enstrom JE, Heath CW, Jr. Smoking cessation and mortality trends among 118,000 Californians, 1960-1997. Epidemiology 1999;10:500-512 ( ( (
d) Enstrom JE. Smoking cessation and mortality trends among two United States populations. J Clin Epidemiol 1999;52:813-825 ( ( (
e) Breslow NE and Enstrom JE. Geographic Correlations Between Cancer Mortality Rates and Alcohol-Tobacco Consumption in the United States. J Natl Cancer Inst 1974;53:631-639
5) July 1970 Stanford University Physics Dissertation
a) Enstrom J, Akavia G, Coombes R, Dorfan D, Fryberger D, Piccioni R, Porat D, Raymond D, Riley K, Rothenberg A, Saal H, Schwartz M, and Wojcicki S. Measurement of the Two-Photon Decay of the KL0 Meson. Phys Rev 1971;D4(9):26292637 ( or
b) Enstrom JE. Measurement of the Two-Photon Decay of the KL0 Meson. Dissertation SLAC-125. Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford University, September 1970, 117 pages (
c)D. Dorfan, J. Enstrom, D. Raymond, M. Schwartz, S. Wojcicki, D. H. Miller, and M. Paciotti Charge Asymmetry in the Muonic Decay of the K20 Phys Rev Lett 1967;19:987-994 (23 October 1967) (
6) Trofim Denisovich Lysenko References
a) Caspari EW, Marshak RE. The Rise and Fall of Lysenko. Science 1965;149:275-278 (
b) Soyfer VN. New light on the Lysenko era. Nature 1989;339:415-420 ( or

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